A very active P & C body has provided excellent support for the School over many years. The meetings are open to all parents and community members and provide for open discussion on educational and other school issues. Meetings are conducted at least once per term in a variety of locations. Not all meetings are held at School. Notice of meetings and agenda will be advertised in the School Newsletter.
P&C 2023
President: Trudi Miles
Vice President: Stacey Taylor
Treasurer: Mellissa Johnson
Secretary: Claire Chor
Executive: Stuart Klose
Parents: Jo Glenister and Brooke Hulkyard
The P&C is always looking for new members. Tthe role requires a time commitment of one meeting per term, with as little or as much time spent on fundraising activities as you can spare. You will have the full support of your committee team .
If you have an interest or would like to know more, please email walpoleprimarypandc@gmail.com or grab one of your friendly committee members for a chat